Piltdown Cometh

Piltdown Cometh

Piltdown Man was the most infamous hoax in the history of paleoanthropology, confounding experts for decades.

The Piltdown Review is a journal of remarkable finds. Like Piltdown Man, everything that appears here was constructed by human beings striving for the greatest possible verisimilitude.

We publish fiction that balances elegant writing with actual story, and poetry that hits you in the sweet spot. In short, we bring you the sort of work that we prefer to read. We hope it will delight and confound you.

We’ll make our official debut on Wednesday, May 23, 2018, with a classic short story reprint. Many wonderful things will follow over the subsequent weeks, so please stay tuned.

In the meantime, consider submitting your work. Maybe you’ll find yourself among our first remarkable discoveries.  



More Remarkable Finds
The Departure of Uncle Boris

The Departure of Uncle Boris

It costs you nothing to accept the fact of an old aunt’s vision—until suddenly that growing mania creeps inside you, seeking to nest and incubate.


The women sit before a turkey, baked for hours, always counting the minutes, tapping feet to a tune.
By Then

By Then

Where did you go? my father asked from the bed I sat beside when I told him I was back. I told him I went home to fetch the family.


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